Welcome to Vertical Gardens Project Colombia

At present our planet has deteriorated as a result of this has caused environmental pollution in recent years, have a conscience to protect and create green areas within cities, but the downside has been submitted has been reduced spaces to create them, so in Europe innovated with the vertical garden without taking up space and to optimize them. This has been a great host and therefore has good business result.

This seemed very innovative idea and very viable market in our country like other countries of the world need green areas, where freshness and natural touch relaxes the mind and spirit in modern times of chaos and stress.

So we decided to do an interview to determine whether there is a need to create green spaces in our country, and found that most respondents were similar in the need of having green areas within their homes and workplaces but they do not occupy large areas because they are people whose lifestyle they live plays most of his life within four walls where they lose contact with the simple things that transmit peace and tranquility as nature itself.

This aspect was reflected in interviews, because people felt somewhat involved and affected by the effects caused by high levels of pollution, this has led us to believe that this idea verticalize gardens, is host and a wide acceptance by the people, and therefore we are providing ideas that benefit our planet and our quality of life step.

Moreover our product is unique as each customer designs as they want, making them feel somehow builder of his own garden, creating a sense of belonging and a link reliability step with the company, feeling protected by our product, as described in the book do we want what we want, creating a Hamster Ball, to defend the fear of deterioration of the environment, stress and diseases that this generates.

Below this innovative proposal for the pleasure and the endorsement of you